The legend of Jean-Michel Basquiat is as strong as ever. Synonymous with New York in the 1980s, the artist first appeared in the late 1970s under the tag SAMO, spraying caustic comments and fragmented poems on the walls of the city. He appeared as part of a thriving underground scene of visual arts and graffiti, hip hop, post-punk, and DIY filmmaking, which met in a booming art world. As a painter with a strong personal voice, Basquiat soon broke into the established milieu, exhibiting in galleries around the world.Basquiat’s expressive style was based on raw figures and integrated words and phrases. His work is inspired by a pantheon of luminaries from jazz, boxing, and basketball, with references to arcane history and the politics of street life so when asked about his subject matter, Basquiat answered “royalty, heroism and the streets.” In 1983 he started collaborating with the most famous of art stars, Andy Warhol, and in 1985 was on the cover of The New York Times Magazine.
1961, three years after meeting Jeanne-Claude in Paris, Christo made a study of a mammoth project that would wrap one of the city’s most emblematic monuments. 60 years, 25,000 square meters of recyclable fabric, and 3,000 meters of rope later, the artists' vision finally came true. Discover their posthumous installation with this book gathering photography, drawings, and a history of the project's making.
Like most of Christo and Jeanne-Claude's work, L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped is temporary and runs for 16 days from Saturday, September 18 to Sunday, October 3, 2021. Carried out in close collaboration with the Centre des Monuments Nationaux, the historic structure is wrapped in recyclable polypropylene fabric in silvery blue and recyclable red rope.
Few devotees of the form can approach Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn’s radical contributions to self-portraiture. Challenging the conventions enshrined by his predecessors, Rembrandt transformed the art into a fully realized medium capable of communicating emotional depth rather than favorably immortalizing one’s likeness in the finest trappings of luxury. With more than 80 works spanning paintings, etchings, and drawings, the Dutchman’s lifelong practice of self-portraiture functions as a means of concretizing that which is fleeting. Across four decades, one constant is particularly striking across media and styles—Rembrandt’s dedication to presenting himself from multiple perspectives, celebrating the multiplicity of the individual and championing the unfiltered portrayal of emotional expression.
Rewind back to the midcentury, before the age of Instagram and Snapchat, where people were using 35mm cameras loaded with color film to document both monumental and mundane moments in their lives. They took pictures of their loved ones, their vacations, their celebrations. They memorialized the births of babies; a child in a cowboy outfit; a new color television set; sightseeing in National Parks; fishing trips; lazing on the beach; weddings; office parties; family reunions; holding hands, kissing and dancing. Imagining these lives and the possible stories that lie behind the images is what makes The Anonymous Project such a compelling journey into our past. The passing of time is enhanced by the book’s narrative that begins with scenes of early childhood and ends with seniors, with all the stages of life in between.
In the far east of France, close to the German and Swiss borders, lies the historic city of Mulhouse. During the early 19th century, it became one of the leading centres of textile manufacture in the country. Today it is home to the Musée de l’Impression sur Étoffes, a museum dedicated entirely to the history of fabric printing from the 17th century right up to the present day.
Few are the serious fashion designers who have not come to visit this astonishing temple to textiles. This book, however, gives you the key to those vaults, presenting on its broad pages perfectly captured images of its collections that span four different continents – recounting a fascinating artistic and technological adventure across the world, from its origins in India to the most contemporary creations.
It was the Belle Époque, a time before air travel or radio, at the brink of a revolution in photography and filmmaking, when Burton Holmes (1870–1958) began a lifelong journey to bring the world home.
From the grand boulevards of Paris to China’s Great Wall, from the construction of the Panama Canal to the 1906 eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Holmes delighted in finding “the beautiful way around the world” and made a career of sharing his stories, colorful photographs, and films with audiences across America. He coined the term “travelogue” in 1904 to advertise his unique performance and thrilled audiences with two-hour sets of stories timed to projections of multihued, hand-painted glass-lantern slides and some of the first “moving pictures.
Un libro que hará que los jóvenes descubran y se enamoren de toda la maravilla del cine, de la mano de uno de los más grandes maestros de la cinematografía.
«Si todavía existiera un yo de doce años y si tuviese a alguien que me diera una lista de 50 películas para ver, me parecería el mejor regalo del mundo.» (Giuseppe Tornatore)
¿Cuáles son las películas que hay que ver para hacerse mayor? ¿Las que conmueven, las que hacen reír, pensar y aquellas que todo niño o joven debería ver para aprenderlo todo sobre el cine y, por qué no, sobre la vida?
Este es un libro dirigido y editado por el director Giuseppe Tornatore que relata las 50 películas imprescindibles, desde la saga de Harry Potter para vivir una gran aventura y descubrir el valor de la amistad hasta El instante fugaz, para comprender lo importante que es afrontar la vida siendo fiel a uno mismo.
En 1959 tres álbumes fundamentales de Miles Davis, John Coltrane y Ornette Coleman llevaron a sus últimas posibilidades el jazz de su época, frente al que surgiría el free jazz.
Este nuevo estilo musical exacerbaba la negritud, rescataba las raíces africanas, explotaba la ancestral polirritmia y al mismo tiempo conectaba con las vanguardias artísticas de su tiempo, generando un tipo de improvisación nunca oído hasta entonces. Era un jazz más radical, tanto en lo musical como en lo político. Los músicos que lo abrazaron eran exploradores de nuevas sonoridades, que podían resultar ásperas y violentas. Era el sonido de la libertad.
Desde el debut de Leonard Cohen, cuando su miedo escenico le impedía terminar "Suzanne", hasta la icónica caída del abrigo de visón de ArethaFranklin en el Kennedy Center mientras Barack y Michelle Obama aplaudían efusivamente. En Sostener la nota, el legendario director de la revista The New Yorker, David Remnick, reúne sus escritos sobre algunos de los músicos, compositores e interpretes más famosos del mundo con vocación de entender cómo han pervivido en el tempo y en el tiempo las mayores y más populares voces del último siglo en Estados Unidos.
Ganador de un premio Pulitzer por La tumba de Lenin, Remnick toma como hilo conductor las fulgurantes y longevas carreras de los mayores iconos musicales del planeta (Patti Smith, Mavis Staples, Paul McCartney, Bruce Springsteen, Buddy Guy…) para entregar una reflexión magistral sobre el exito, el fracaso, el estrellato, el relevo generacional y el ocaso profesional. Este bestseller, que recoge con gracia
Pese a ser aclamado como uno de los mejores guitarristas de su época y de la historia, George Harrison luchó contra sentimientos de inferioridad, especialmente en sus primeras décadas. A menudo era el blanco de las bromas de sus compañeros de banda debido a su origen de clase baja y, por lo general, no se le permitía contribuir más que con una o dos canciones por álbum de las decenas que escribía.
Ahora, el aclamado biógrafo de los Beatles, Philip Norman, examina a Harrison a través de la lente de sus numerosas contradicciones. Comparado con las enormes luminarias compositoras Lennon y McCartney, se le consideraba un talento menor; sin embargo, compuso obras maestras como «While My Guitar Gently Weeps» o «Here Comes the Sun», y su triple álbum de debut en solitario All Things Must Pass consiguió un inmenso éxito, apareciendo en muchas listas de los 100 mejores álbumes de rock de todos los tiempos. Los críticos de música moderna lo sitúan en el panteón de los dioses de la guitarra de los años sesenta, junto a Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Keith Richards y Jimmy Page.