An in-depth look at Charles and Ray Eames's prolific legacy—one that has placed them among the most important American designers of the twentieth century and at the forefront of modernism.
Charles and Ray Eames's expansive and monumental career in furniture design ran from 1941 to 1978. This comprehensive and illustrated text serves as a guidebook to their most important pieces and themes.
As beloved figures in design, art, and architecture who emerged from the optimism of the 1950s, the couple’s egalitarian and humanistic furniture designs made them household names. Most famous for their chairs, they also created seminal works of architecture and film. Written by their grandson, Eames Demetrios, An Eames Primer is an easy-to-read and informational book to the world's most famous and influential furniture designers.
This is the first of Pentreath’s books to present his own output in its entirety—from his personal residences in Dorset, London, and Scotland that brought him international fame to many old and new houses that he has designed and some of the larger, town-scaled projects that make his practice unique in the world of traditional design. Although the results range from his colorful and romantic versions of the English country cottage to traditional splendor, there are underlying ideas that inform the breadth of his output—a sense of scale, proportion, craft, detail, sustainability, and appropriateness—that have a universal relevance today.
In this essential TASCHEN introduction to Tadao Ando we explore the hybrid of tradition, modernism, and function that allows his buildings to enchant architects, designers, fashion designers, and beyond. Through key projects including private homes, churches, museums, apartment complexes, and cultural spaces, we explore a uniquely monumental yet comforting aesthetic that draws as much on the calm restraint of Japanese tradition as the compelling modernist vocabularies of Bauhaus and Le Corbusier.
With featured projects in Japan, France, Italy, Spain, and the United States, we see not only Ando’s global reach but also his refined sensitivity for the environs: the play of light through windows, and, in particular, the interaction of buildings with water. From the mesmerizing Church of the Light in Osaka to the luminous Punta della Dogana Contemporary Art Center in Venice, this is a radiant tour through a distinctly contemporary form as much as a timeless appeal of light, elements, and equilibrium.
Quien mas quien menos se ha sentido atrapado en algun momento de su vida por alguna saga interminable repleta de señores oscuros, magos barbudos, espadas magicas, duendes, quimeras o elfos.El exito de dos nuevas superproducciones televisivas basadas en sagas literarias La casa del dragon, precuela de Juego de tronos, y Los anillos de poder, precuela de El señor de los anillos hacen de este un momento ideal para publicar un libro que de un repaso al genero narrativo que lleva un siglo arrasando.Historias apasionantes en las que el mal se enfrenta al bien encarnado en sus mas diferentes valores: la valentia, el honor o la honradez, aderezado siempre con un tono de epica. Y que el autor de este libro ha sintetizado con manos expertas y mucho conocimiento para hacer de ello un compendio de lo mas granado del mundo de la literatura, el cine, el comic o los videojuegos.Fantasia de leyenda: De Dragones y mazmorras a El ultimo unicornio.Un mundo de fantasia medieval de la mano de George R. R. Martin: Cancion de hielo y fuego.Fantasias para todos los gustos: De Willow a El priorato del naranjo.Fantasias camp: De Krull a La leyenda del buscador.Cronicas de la carcajada: de Mundodisco a Nimona.Una fantasia epica distinta: de la Saga de la Tumba Sellada a Step by Bloody Step.Videojuegos de fantasia: De World of Warcraft a Dragon Quest.
At the dawn of the Victorian era in her open-air laboratory in Halstead, Kent, Anna Atkins embarked on a radical experiment to document botanical species using a completely new artistic medium. The inimitable cyanotype photograms of algae and ferns she created were made into the first books to feature photographic images. Striking yet ethereal, these albums are a perfect synthesis of art and science.Although the cyanotype technique was discovered by her friend John Herschel, Atkins was the first to realize both its practical purpose for own her interests in botany and taxonomy, and its intriguing artistic potential.
Este libro invita a buscar la armonía y el contraste sobre el espacio finito de una mesa. La mesa es el lugar donde se conjugan la cultura, el gusto, la educación y las costumbres y puedes reinventarla sin grandes artificios, con lo que está al alcance de tu mano y anida en tu cabeza. Más allá de la superficie del tablero, es un espacio que invita al diálogo amable y a la felicidad compartida. Te acercamos un pequeño manual de primeros auxilios que reúne todos los secretos, trucos y consejos decisivos para adentrarse sin problemas en el mundo de las mesas.