Anónimo, provocador, irreverente, esquivo, inconformista, comprometido. ¡Banksy elevado a la enésima potencia, para aquellos que no se cansan de su arte! * ¡El regalo perfecto para los amantes del street art que desean ver los temas que surgen cuando se observan varias obras juntas! * Un estuche con tres libros con tres de los temas con más fuerza del arte de Banksy. Banksy ha llevado el street art a todo el mundo; gracias a su atractivo global, su obra ha alcanzado valores astronómicos entre los coleccionistas de arte. Cada volumen de esta trilogía de la mano de la experta en street art, Alessandra Mattanza, destaca una faceta de la obra de Banksy, empezando por sus representaciones simbólicas de animales, seguidas por el uso de niños como poderosos protagonistas, y luego las numerosas obras que componen su “jungla urbana”, que representa a nuestra sociedad: de policías a inmigrantes, de prisioneros a personas sin hogar, para llegar incluso a la guerra en Ucrania. Un retrato en imágenes para reflexionar de un artista que, más que ningún otro, consigue reflejar el complejo y contradictorio mosaico que forma nuestra contemporaneidad.
El mundo visto con ojos expresionistas
Los ángulos agudos, las formas extrañas, los colores llamativos y las perspectivas distorsionadas son los elementos definidores clásicos del expresionismo, el movimiento del siglo XX que priorizó la emoción frente a la realidad objetiva. Pese a tener una presencia más destacada en Alemania y Austria, el movimiento floreció en todo el mundo y hoy se considera uno de los periodos artísticos más influyentes en la historia del arte.
Farca looks to the work of the late design icon Luis Barragán for inspiration, blending tradition with modernity. He focuses on the importance of collaborating with indigenous artisans who work in age-old Mexican crafts, to create environmentally sustainable, indoor/outdoor spaces and furniture with a palette of natural materials, translated through a contemporary luxury lens. This lavish volume features sixteen of his newly built private residences in Mexico and California that show off his spectacular designs for seamless indoor and outdoor living.
The turn of the 20th century was a golden era in France. It was an age of peace, prosperity, and progress after a series of bruising wars and turmoil within the French Republic, culminating in the Franco-Prussian War, which had ended in 1871. From the ruins of conflict, the Belle Époque brought joie de vivre flourish, a boom in art, design, industry, technology, gastronomy, education, travel, entertainment, and nightlife.
A building by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959) is at once unmistakably individual and evocative of an entire era. Notable for their exceptional harmony with their environment, as well as for their use of steel and glass to revolutionize the interface of indoor and outdoor, Wright’s designs helped announce the age of modernity, as much as they secured his place in the annals of architectural genius.
The decorating evolution of Bryan—one of the great patrons of interior design—has gone from classic modernism to sumptuous traditionalism to romantic eclecticism and everything in between, with the collaboration of such renowned interior designers as Tom Britt, Mica Ertegun, Susan Gutfreund, Mark Hampton, and Studio Peregalli Sartori. Each residence and each room make up an aesthetic memoir that explores those collaborations, reveals insights into the various processes, and inspires others to look at their own spaces and consider a myriad of beautiful and appropriate options. Anecdotes divulge her astute guidance and the charming idiosyncrasies of some of the twentieth century’s greatest decorators.
A giant of modern fashion photography, Bourdin lent his surrealist eye to the shoes and fashions of Charles Jourdan. Creating compositions full of movement, color, and sensuality, this pioneering collaboration between designer and photographer still exerts a profound influence on modern fashion photography.
The late 1960s saw some of the most dynamic periods in French fashion. And the union between Bourdin and Jourdan captured the spirit of the moment unlike any other creative partnership of the era. Jourdan, a polymath who occupied the office of both couturier and shoe designer, tapped Bourdin, a true surrealist among the fashion photographers of the age, and engaged in a creative dialogue through to Jourdan’s passing in 1976.
Desde su primera edición en 1980, la Historia crítica de la arquitectura moderna de Kenneth Frampton se ha convertido en un clásico imprescindible dentro de la bibliografía académica sobre historia de la arquitectura moderna. En esta quinta edición ampliamente revisada y actualizada, el autor ha añadido una nueva y extensa sección que explora al detalle la evolución del Movimiento Moderno en la arquitectura en todo el mundo a finales del siglo xx y principios del xxi. En ella, se examinan las diversas formas en que los arquitectos no solo responden a los contextos geográficos, climáticos, materiales y culturales, sino que siguen también distintas líneas de enfoque en relación a la topografía, la morfología, la sostenibilidad y la forma cívica.
Acclaimed for popularizing modernism with mainstream American homeowners, Hunt curated and created chic modern furniture that made high-end design accessible to audiences beyond New York and Los Angeles.
Peeking behind the scenes of innovative homes, Philip Jodidio illustrates the evolution of today’s global architecture―from Samira Rathod’s House of Concrete Experiments in India to Tetro’s Açucena House in Brazil, which adapts to its natural terrain.
The houses featured in this book may be the first full generation to take advantage of the ubiquity of computing power―from design to fabrication―yet this high-tech approach has in no way diminished their variety and originality. In Italy, Mario Cucinella built TECLA – Technology and Clay, a 3D-printed house created entirely with raw earth. The unique house, printed in 200 hours with 60 cubic meters of natural materials, unveils potential low-cost, environmentally responsible approaches to architecture. In Hyderabad, India, Kanan Modi designed her House of Gardens not only to diffuse and reduce heat within the structure but also to invite the beauty of nature indoors―both essential in the face of rising temperatures and increasing urbanization.