Volar sobre la cara oculta de la Luna, ver la Tierra desde el espacio, flotar sin gravedad o buscar vida extraterrestre. Todo esto y mucho más espera a Impey Barbicane y a sus compañeros, los primeros viajeros espaciales.
¿Puede haber mayor aventura?
Si estás leyendo esto, es que tienes en tu vida un tesoro: una amistad mágica, de esas que te cambian la vida para siempre; que evoluciona, crece y se hace más fuerte en el camino. Este libro es vuestro; para que experimentéis y juguéis con él como os apetezca. Pero siempre juntas. Echad la vista atrás y repasad vuestro pasado, revisad la salud de vuestra amistad de ahora e imaginad vuestro futuro en común. Un viaje inolvidable a través de recuerdos inolvidables, historias increíbles y momentos únicos.
Este es el comienzo de una gran amistad…
Mejores amigas, besties, BFFs… Cada amistad es una colección de historias, anécdotas y vivencias únicas. Este álbum personalizable ha sido creado especialmente para que celebréis juntas el mayor regalo que os ha dado la vida: ¡la una a la otra!
For all of her twelve years, Jupiter Nettle has wanted to attend one of the Seven Schools of Magic. When she finally gets the call to take the entrance exam, she shocks everyone with her magic skills . . . but not in the way she’d hoped. Failing spectacularly in one test after another, Jupiter goes home dejected and confused. What will she do now?
That night, Jupiter gets an unexpected visitor and, amazingly, another chance at the Seven Schools! But learning magic isn’t what she expected it to be . . . the School of Earth Magic is looked down upon by others, it doesn’t involve cool spells, and her teacher, Professor Grim, certainly lives up to his name. Jupiter works hard, but the doubts in her mind shake her confidence until she’s ready to give up. Then an age-old enemy returns to exact revenge on the Seven Schools, leaving Jupiter to finally find the courage and magic that’s been within her all along.
Returned to power, with reborn New Gods at his side and the Ghost Sector as an implacable fortress, Darkseid sets his sights on the remaining universe! Where is Justice League Odyssey? An unknown warrior assembles Green Lantern Jessica Cruz and various heroes to form a new Justice League Odyssey as the guardian of the Ghost Sector, where they re going to have to fight their way through Darkseid s new multi-planet realm of Apokolips to take control of Sepulkore or die trying.
There’s an extinction-level storm wreaking havoc on the entirety of Earth, and the Justice League finds themselves fighting a literal force of nature! Enter the Frost King, a monster mad with power, with an ice army at his command! What devastating mystery lies in his past? And how is he tied to Queen Hippolyta, Swamp Thing, Viking Prince, and their reluctant ally, Black Adam? Past mistakes and present dangers collide in this subzero story!
This volume collects Justice League: Endless Winter #1-2, The Flash #767, Superman: Endless Winter Special #1, Aquaman #66, Justice League #58, Teen Titans: Endless Winter Special #1, Justice League Dark #29, and Black Adam: Endless Winter Special #1, the full run of Andy Lanning and Ron Marz’s icy epic as realized by a host of fan-favorite artists including Howard Porter, Marco Santucci, Clayton Henry, Phil Hester, Xermanico, and more!