A romance writer who no longer believes in love and a literary writer stuck in a rut engage in a summer-long challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters. Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast. They're polar opposites. In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they're living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer's block. Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She'll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he'll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really.
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A romance writer who no longer believes in love and a literary writer stuck in a rut engage in a summer-long challenge that may just upend everything they believe about happily ever afters. Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast. They're polar opposites. In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they're living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer's block. Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She'll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he'll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really.

Especificaciones de productos
Editora EMBER
Encuadernado TAPA BLANDA
Páginas 384
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Unidos por la sangre. Tentados por el deseo. Liberados por el destino. Bryce Quinlan tenía la vida perfecta, trabajando cada día y saliendo cada noche, hasta que un demonio asesinó a sus amigos y la dejó vacía, herida y sola. Cuando el acusado está entre rejas, pero los crímenes continúan, Bryce hará lo que sea para vengar sus muertes. Hunt Athalar es un ángel caído, esclavo de los arcángeles a los que una vez intentó destronar. Sus brutales habilidades sirven ahora para un solo propósito: acabar con los enemigos de su dueño. Pero entonces Bryce le ofrece un trato irresistible: si la ayuda a encontrar al demonio asesino, su libertad estará al alcance de su mano.
